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Order Appraisal Report Call 416-282-4111 Sat Jul 27th, 2024


We provide you with an original sign appraisal report, however, we know the speed and pace of business to-day requires quick delivery of the appraisal report for decision to be made.  As well as faxing out reports we also provide electronic reports produced in a PDFGet Adobe Acrobat Reader for FREE to read PDF files. (portable document file) files.  You will need the latest version of Acrobat Reader to view them.    These report have been digitally signed and secured by the appraiser's individual passwords. 

Real estate fraud in Canada has increase dramatically.  If you are a user of our appraisal reports, we support only originally signed reports or electronic reports sent directly from INHOUSE APPRAISAL.  Reports forwarded from another user should not be relied upon.  Any digital document generated from a computer is complied in 1's and 0's.  Even though this document has be secured buy passwords and has encryption codes some creative fraudsters could modify the appearance of appraisal reports resulting in misleading information.

The fraud of appraisal reports could be in altered comments, final values, changed descriptions, modified address and on.....  The reports could have also been changed by OCR scanners.  Reports sent by e-mail may not have originally been sent from the appraiser and the email accounts could have been spoofed.  The same goes for faxed report as the header for the fax machine could have been change to appear to have been sent from INHOUSE's fax servers.  Insure that you receive the report directly from INHOUSE Appraisal.  If have any concerns regarding a report contact us immediately.

Visit our Fraud Prevention web page for other information.    

Box 6107, Station "A", Toronto, Ontario, Canada   M5W 1P5
33 Ivan Road, Toronto, Ontario, Canada   M1C 1V1
Phone 416-282-4111                       Fax 416-282-7353

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